Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Cherished Moments...!!!
Its a meet never to forget... had a great and valuable time with our alumni kritika boss and ankita boss...

Team utkarsh with utkarsh alumni

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


On 16th january, Utkarsh organised an event Players which ended out to be an another exiciting event.In the begining playing cards were distributed among students and teams were divided based on suits(spade,club,heart,diamond).Each team was then required to go through a set of questionaire and in each round one team got eliminated.The event turned out be a success.The winners of the event were-

1st -Deeksha Gupta(1st year )
       Mradu Bansal(2nd year)
       Aveesha Sharma(2nd year)

2nd-Priya Jha(1st year)
       Aditi Prabha(2nd year)

Thursday, 12 January 2012


Its time to be a DIRECTOR!!
Use your imagination to make a movie in your style!!
Come to us with it n win!!

Team size : Maximum 3
Movie duration: 5-10mins
Softwares used: Windows Movie Maker, MS power point (slide show)

Date : 21st jan
Time : 4.30 pm
Venue: NFET, Room 1

Topic: "Technology in Daily Life..."