Monday, 26 September 2011

Some crazy trips and tricks!

*Notepad fun:

1. Open a blank Notepad file
2. Write .LOG as the first line of the file, followed by a enter. Save the file and close it.
3. Double-click the file to open it and notice that Notepad appends the current date and time to the end of the file and places the cursor on the line after
4. Type your notes and then save and close the file.

*Folder magic:

Try to create a folder in Windows with either of these names--
"con" or "nul" or "Aux" or "Lpt1".
Windows will not let u create ....

*Increase your system speed:

Speed Up By Clearing RAM Open notepad type FreeMem=Space(6400000) & save it as ramcleaner.vbs & double click whenever ur pc appears slow.

*Remove Shutdown Button:

No Shutdown: Wanna play with your friends by removing the shutdown option from start menu in their computer. Just hack it down !!! Regedit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer "NoClose"="DWORD:1" enjoy tricks

*Display Legal notice on start up:

Wanna tell your friends about the do's and dont's in your computer when they login in your absence. Well you can do it pretty easily by displaying a legal notice at system start up.
"legalnoticecaption"="enter your notice caption"
"legalnoticetext"="enter your legal notice text"


1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader
(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)

2. Move all the files and folders from the "plugins" directory to the "Optional" directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste).
Also make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and not allow you to move the files).
Now your acrobat reader will load very fast and almost as good as notepad..
Note: I am assuming that you've installed Acrobat Reader in C Drive

*Delete Recycle Bin:

1 thing is 4 sure, delete option can be added 2 recycle bin...
the old registry thing will work out.....
* launch d registry...
* open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder
* to add a rename and delete option, change the Dword attribute to 70 01 00 20
* refresh and reboot the system..... u r done.

PS:always backup ur data as well as registry b4 attempting 2 work on it if u r a newbie....!!!

  CS IInd Yr

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